The Road to Tackling Climate Change Together

Welcome to our new home! Jo Grover, Jonathan Rhodes, and Karol Nezda have officially teamed up to create an innovative hub for individuals, teams, and coaches. Our company is aptly called Imagery Coaching… check out our new website,, sign up to train with us virtually (email your desire to join us, and stay tuned for our book. We've built upon decades of research to hone in on what works when it comes to motivation and sustainable change. Imagery Coaching isn't just about imagery; it merges mindfulness, self-talk, music, goal-setting, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and fun into a strategy that works for you!

Imagery is the key ingredient that unlocks motivation and evokes commitment to long-term goals. If you can vividly imagine it, you can build it…and if you can’t imagine it, we are on hand to help. Our clients thank us for teaching them how to shape their imagery superpower. The truth is our client’s imagery superpower was always within them, we just refine their existing skills for them to benefit by achieving goals, and it's in you.  

The journey starts by understanding your needs: recognizing your conscious and unconscious motivators, values, beliefs, and goals. Next, we hit all these by measuring them for you and for your team. Here's where the synergy begins. We establish critical role clarity, point out potential blind spots, outline accountability, and plan for progress. Imagery is taught throughout the process to make it stick. We call it Teamagery. 

Teamagery is happening at KPMG and other forward thinking companies where we are changing mindsets and increasing individual and collective confidence, resulting in a commitment to a higher purpose. Once teams hit business goals, they go on to think outside the box and have community-based goals, such as reducing carbon footprints. 

Ford Motor Company has developed a ten-part environmental policy aimed at sustainable materials, recycling, limiting carbon emissions, and has won the EPA Energy Star Award for four consecutive years. Nike is implementing environmental policies by using renewable energy for manufacturing and using recycled polyester in their new range of 'sustainable' products. Johnson and Johnson are limiting waste from manufacturing and distributing products using hybrid vehicles where possible. Even eBay has gone Eco by partnering with the United States Postal Service (USPS) to improve supply and generate better options for purchasing second-hand goods, increasing the lifespan of products.

It's not about profit over progress any longer. Instead, we teach our clients to start with acupuncture points: points where a small change can significantly impact change. Teams initially work on one acupuncture point, such as replacing conventional light bulbs with LED lighting or reducing travel to limit carbon emissions. One change done well leads to another…

Start small – change one thing and be committed to your first small step. At Imagery Coaching, we are contributing our time and energy to climate action and planning for the future. Will you join us? If your organization is looking for solutions for human adaptation, we'd like to share our insights with you and your team. 

Joanna Grover

Author, Co-Founder, Performance & Wellbeing Coach

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